Piche Resources Limited (ASX: PR2) (“Piche� or the “Company�) is pleased to announce the final results from its recently completed reverse circulation and diamond drilling programme at the Ashburton uranium project in Western Australia.
The final hole of the Ashburton drilling programme, ADD006 has returned additional high grade uranium results and include:
1.32m @ 792 ppm eU3O8 from 86.52m
7.86m @ 2,266 ppm eU3O8 from 105.42m incl. 3.62m @ 3,763 ppm eU3O8 from 105.76m
3.22m @ 617 ppm eU3O8 from 116.58m
3.33m @ 1,394 ppm eU3O8 from 132.38m
The drilling programme has been successfully completed with a combined total of 3,082.8m of reverse circulation and diamond drilling.
The drilling programme has exceeded expectations, achieving all primary objectives.
A comprehensive geological interpretation incorporating both current and historical drill data will be completed ahead of the next phase of drilling.
The drilling campaign has successfully met all objectives, confirming historical results, testing a revised structural model for mineralisation, and identifying opportunities for expanding the known mineralisation. The results to date have exceeded expectation.
Drilling Overview: the drilling programme involved the completion of 19 holes, with a combined total of 3,082.8 metres (1,776 meters of reverse circulation and 1,306.8 meters of diamond drilling). Full results for all drill holes are presented in Table 1, with drill hole details in Table 2. Drill hole locations can be seen on Figure 1 & 2.
Notable Mineralisation Intersections: A number of drill holes intersected high-grade uranium mineralisation, with the final hole, ADD006, returning particularly notable results. These intersections include relatively flat lying uranium mineralisation above, below and along the unconformity between the mid Proterozoic sandstones, conglomerates and the lower Proterozoic basement complex. Additionally, steeply dipping zones of uranium mineralisation were identified beneath the unconformity, highlighting promising targets for future exploration.
Structural and Geological Insights: Preliminary structural analyses suggest that mineralisation may be controlled by northwest-oriented faults. The mineralisation appears continuous along strike, with one intersection showing widths exceeding 39 meters, however, further drilling is needed to assess the extent and continuity of this mineralisation.
Drilling has confirmed the presence of mineralisation at the unconformity, also within the overlying sandstone and the underlying basement complex. This provides strong evidence to significantly expand the mineralised zone.
Next Steps: With this programme now complete, Piche plans to update its geological model for Angelo A and B prospects and review how these results relate to the broader Ashburton tenement package. This review will include the Atlantis prospect, 50 km SE of Angelo, which historically returned intersections of 5.5m at 6,200ppm and 2.2m at 7,400ppm U3O8. These results were not followed up in the 1980’s due to a $12.00 per lb uranium price, however, in the current $77.00 per lb price, Piche will be exploring here in the near future.
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